Research Group Function Spaces

Research Group Function Spaces introduces itself

General Information

Mitglieder und Gäste der Forschungsgruppe Funktionenräume
Mitglieder und Gäste der Forschungsgruppe Funktionenräume
Image: FG Funktionenräume

Initially founded by  Prof. Dr. Hans Triebel the Research Group Function Spaces in Jena looks back to a history of more than 50 years intensive research in the field of function spaces.

Points of interest

  •  General theory of function spaces
    • decompositions (atoms, quarks, wavelets)
    • spaces with generalized smoothness
    • anisotropic function spaces
    • weighted function spaces
    • spaces on domains
    • embeddings, compactness, envelopes
    • s-numbers  
    • spaces with mixed smoothness
  • Local smothness theory, Besov regularity
  • Spaces on fractals, spectral theory of operators on fractals
  • Non-linear operators and boundary value problems
  • Fourier analysis
  • Approximation theory