Dr. Glenn Byrenheid

  • CV
    •  10.2020-09.2021.: Vertretungsprofessor "Analysis", Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
    • ab 10.2018: wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
    • 05.-09.2018: wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Universität Rostock
    • 2013-2018:  Dr. rer. nat, Mathematik, Universität Bonn
    • 2011-2013:  M.Sc, Mathematik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
    • 2008-2011:  B.Sc, Mathematik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
  • Publikationen
    • G. Byrenheid, S.A. Stasyuk, T. Ullrich. $L_p$-Sampling recovery for non-compact subclasses of $L_\infty$. submitted  arXiv:2210.01704External link
    • G. Byrenheid, J. Hüber, and M. Weimar. Rate-optimal sparse approximation of compact break-of-scale embeddings. ACHA, to appear.
    • G. Byrenheid, R.J. Kunsch, and V.K. Nguyen. Monte Carlo methods for uniform approximation on periodic Sobolev spaces with mixed smoothness, Journal of Complexity, Volume 46, Pages 90-102, 2018.
    • G. Byrenheid, L. Kämmerer, T. Ullrich, and T. Volkmer. Tight error bounds for rank-1 lattice sampling in spaces of hybrid mixed smoothness. Num. Math., 136:993-1034, 2017.
    • G. Byrenheid and T. Ullrich. Optimal sampling recovery of mixed order Sobolev embeddings via discrete Littlewood-Paley type characterizations. Anal. Math., 43(2):133-191, 2017.
    • G. Byrenheid, D. Dũng, W. Sickel, and T. Ullrich. Sampling on energy-norm based sparse grids for the optimal recovery of Sobolev type functions in Hγ. J. Approx. Theory, 207:207-231, 2016.